Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So true, so true...

Last week Oliver and I pushed our cart into the gardening section of Home Depot. On our way in, we passed a woman who was walking out in a big huff, ranting loudly about not getting her way, incompetent employees, etc., etc.

"Sheesh!" I mutter to Oliver. "Some people get so grumpy!"

In all earnestness he replies, "You mean, like you?"


Heather said...

Too Funny! Kids say the darnedest things don't they?

Heidi said...

Love it. This reminds me of when you told me about him wanting to kick you in your neck!

eugie74 said...

Yeah, at least he feels he can be honest with me (bonus points for not actually doing it, just saying he wishes he could. Extra bonus points for the neck - most kids would say something predictable like "the knee" or "the butt", etc.)

Elizabeth said...

This is my favorite blog...I love your writing style and your funny kids!

eugie74 said...

Well, apparently I give them plenty of ammo. I'm flattered that you tune in!